LS. kostým na Bielej noci.
Podujatia · 29. september 2023Nenechajte si ujsť festival svetla Bielu noc! Tento ročník je malou súčasťou festivalu aj LS. Vytvorili sme unikátny kostým pre predstavenie CARRY. Model reflektujúci spracovanú tému, ženskú silu, život, lesk, svetlo a všetky jeho odtiene.
Premiers: 29.9.2023 @ 19.00, 20.00 a 21.00 Festival Biela Noc – Eurovea 2, Bratislava
Further shows: 30. – 1.10. 2023 @ 19.00, 20.00 a 21.00, Festival Biela Noc – Eurovea 2, Bratislava
What are all the things that can be expressed with the body and what are those that concern the body? Tomás Danielis' performative installation addresses current issues, focusing on physicality, especially in connection with women and their position in society. Carry art looks into the mirror and loses Its gilt. A body to be looked at, a body at work, a body to be owned, a body as a reflection, a body as
an image…. The artists of the Radical Empathy group delve into the depths of the uncertain and complex position of women in
contemporary society within its cultural (and historical) frameworks. Let yourself be captivated by this absorbing movement
Directed, Choreography, visuals & technology: Tomás Danielis
Music: l'ubomir Panak – Drakh
Costume: Lenka Srinová – LS.
Choreography & performing: Agathe Tarillon
Choreoaraphv: Flavia Dule. Meaaie Blackschvn
Tech: Jurai Cech
Production: FEYNMEN
Special thanks: Sona Kúdelova. Zuzana Pacakova. PLAST. Biela Noc